The joy is in playing the game The joy is in playing the game
Court Date: 6/29/2013 (Court #1)
Event Name: Rockhaven Archery Reloaded Too
Presenting Royalty: Morgan II and Lusche II
Here is the court report for Her Royal Majesty Lusche II and Her Highness
Anne at Archery Reloaded Too held in the Shire of Rockhaven on the 29th Day
of June AS 48.

The Honorable Lord Sigaric (autocrat) was called forward to present awards
to the populace who won the various archery shoots. Her Majesty presented
him with a token of appreciation of his service.

Any omissions or errors are my own.

Yours in Service,

Grainne Fhionnabhair inghean Fhaolain

Awards Presented

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