Pretty in Pink Pretty in Pink
Court Date: 6/20/2015 (Court #1)
Event Name: Northern Realms War
Presenting Royalty: Tom II and Sigrid II

His Majesty Tom held court in His Shire of Noiregarde at Northern Realms War on 20 June A.S. L. His Majesty and Their Highnesses were joined in court by His Majesty Tam of the Outlands.

Lord Artar presented the winners of the raffle for two trunk coolers. The proceeds will be split between the Northshield Endowment Fund and the Outlands Travel Fund.

Baron Martin MacKeegan announced the winners of the rapier tournaments.

Lord Valbrandr Torvason announced the winners of the armored combat tournaments.

Ronin announced the winners of the archery tournaments

THL Viridis Quevli announced the winners of the thrown weapons tournament.

The Shire of Noiregarde presented His Majesty with a largess gift of tournament bracket books for the marshals and list masters/mistresses.

The Host Groups of Northern Realms War (Noiregarde and Plattfordham (Outlands)) presented his Majesty, their Highnesses and His Majesty of the Outlands with gifts in appreciation of their attendance.

Northshield Court was suspended for Outlands Court. In addition the Outlands Awards, His Majesty Tam offered all children of any kingdom present to select a goodie or toy from His Treasure box. He also presented his Majesty Northshield and their Highnesses with gifts of a specialty honey from the Outlands.

Her Highness presented the Princess Sleeve to the winner of Her Princess Sleeve Tournament: THL Hadrurus Black Hand the Lost.

His Majesty presented His Majesty Tam with a gift of scroll blanks in remembrance of past gifts between the Kingdoms.

Court was heralded by Olaf Stonebeard and Lady Shenafin, with THL Gaia Aurelia as Signet.

Awards Presented

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