Don Rodrigo de Montoya and Dona Margalit Medicus measuring the distance.... Don Rodrigo de Montoya and Dona Margalit Medicus measuring the distance....

April Missive


2015 brought some significant changes toexchequer reporting and deadlines, and I am verypleased with how the Northshield local exchequersstepped up and met these changes. Because ofthe local exchequers’ efforts, the Kingdom of Northshield is one of the few Kingdoms thatis completely up-to-date with NMS reportingto Corporate. This means that we have someinteresting new opportunities opening up tothe Kingdom. These are still under discussionregarding policy and such at the Kingdom level,but when things are decided, we will announceany changes on the Northshield email list and infuture issues of the Northwatch.

Once again, a reminder to all exchequers, pleasemake sure you are on the exchequer mailing list.This is an excellent place for you to discuss anyissues with reports or running gate at eventsor anything else that comes up as part of theexchequer job. It is also the primary way we aresending out announcements of changes andreminders of report deadlines. If you are not onthe list, please contact the Kingdom Exchequerto be added.

Thank you all for your service.

Sefa Farmansdøttir

Other missives from the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer
Posted by: Sefa Farmansdóttir Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer on 3/14/2016

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