Magisterfrater Giles Devon, on the archery line Magisterfrater Giles Devon, on the archery line

A Day of Squirrely Wrath

Hosted by: Canton of Nordleigh

Start Date: 2/24/2007 Thru End Date: 2/24/2007 41
Northfield High School
1400 Division Street So
Northfield MN 55057

Planned Activities: Classes , Rapier Combat

Nordleigh invites you to
A Day of Squirrely Wrath, A Dante Themed Event
Last year we killed you, this year we're touring hell!

(don't worry, you'll be in heaven by the end of the day...)

Site Fees:
Adult: $6
Children ages 6 - 12: $3
Children under age 6: free
Lunch: $7 (pre-registration required)
NMS: $3 (does not apply to children unter age 12)

Reservations should go to our Event Steward, and the deadline is February 15th, 2007:

Elizabeth Beerman (Amary Fairamay)
1500 St Olaf Ave
Northfield, MN 55057

The Head Cook is Sydney Freedman (Cecilia de Cambrige),, or at the same postal address as above.

Classes/activities are always a little in flux, but will more than likely include a couple of lectures (including "Hell for Dummies" (Dante 101) taught by a professor from St. Olaf College), a dance class, a Northshield Choir rehearsal, a rapier tournament, and games throughout the day.

We'll hope to see you there!


The site is mostly handicap accessible (a few steps are required to get to the gym, about which we were unaware-- our apologies).No alcohol is allowed on site.Smoking is prohibited on school grounds.Outside food is allowed.

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