Master Owen Alun Master Owen Alun

Butt, I AM a Merry Man!!

Hosted by: Barony of Castel Rouge

Start Date: 6/28/2008 Thru End Date: 6/29/2008 43
Sanford Archery Range
PR 334 South and Ferndale Road
Sanford MB

Planned Activities: Archery

Butt, I AM a Merry Man!!

This event will be a “Robin Hood” theme. Prince John is holding an archery tournament in Nottingham for the prize of a “golden” arrow. We all know that it is just a trap to capture Robin Hood, the greatest bowman in all of England! But who will step up and claim the prize? Could it be…YOU???

This will be a strictly archery event with the prize contests taking place on Saturday and an IKAC shoot on Sunday at the Sanford outdoor range, weather permitting. Backup site will be at Heights Archery 2281 Portage Avenue, our indoor range in Winnipeg.

Among the various shoots will be a clout shoot, a woods walk, a “Sheriff’s Men” shoot and a shorter variation of a “12 score” shoot.

There will also be a contest for the best “green” garb, sponsored by Mistress Ainesleah.

Sorry, no camping on site. Site is relatively primitive with outdoor privies. All are encouraged to set up sunshades and chairs. Bring a lunch and other beverages, water will be provided by the barony.

And best of all, NO site fee!

No official feast planned. A gathering at a local restaurant is in the works.

Site will open at 10am with archery beginning at 11am. Site will close when the shooting stops!


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