Fighters taking position Fighters taking position
Eisenwache - Blazon:

Eisenwache (Total Presented: 25)

Proficiency in Martial Arts
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Anna z Pernstejna Principality of Northshield
Aubrey Swyftwater Principality of Northshield
Dorian of the Blue Moon Principality of Northshield
Elijah Cameron of Black Isle Principality of Northshield
Etienne de Clermont Principality of Northshield
Gabriel de Lanzorote Principality of Northshield
Geoffrey de la Brugge Principality of Northshield
Gevehard von Baden Principality of Northshield
Hrodir Vigageirr Toreson Principality of Northshield
Isaac de Hugo Principality of Northshield
Julio Galva'n Principality of Northshield
Jurgen von Baden Principality of Northshield
Kenneth die Katze Principality of Northshield
Kou no Toshikage Principality of Northshield
Kristoff Fugger von Augsburg Principality of Northshield
Leif Gray Fox Principality of Northshield
Mathilde of Jararvellir Principality of Northshield
Mor Ni Lachnan Principality of Northshield
Morgan Bartholomew Cuthbert Principality of Northshield
Owen de Gray Principality of Northshield
Paul Wickenden of Thanet Principality of Northshield
Robin Arthur Kyrke Principality of Northshield
Sigeric Unsiker Principality of Northshield
Simon Morcar Principality of Northshield
Titus Arrius Magnulfus Principality of Northshield

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