Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competition
Additional resources for doing research and
creating documentation can be found under
Research and Documentation Resources.
The KASC is usually held the second week of February. Check the Kingdom calendar for the next planned
event. The event webpage and/or missives from the KMOAS will give you instructions on how to enter
or reserve space at the Competition.
Here are the official resources you need to enter the Competition:
Northshield Arts & Sciences Competition 2022 Entrants Handbook
Judging Criteria:
Northshield Arts & Sciences Competition 2022 Judging Criteria - Food and Drink
Northshield Arts & Sciences Competition 2022 Judging Criteria - Performance
Northshield Arts & Sciences Competition 2022 Judging Criteria - Physical Item
Northshield Arts & Sciences Competition 2022 Judging Criteria - Research and Virtual Learning
Here are some resources you might find useful:
(New – Eithni’s entering A&S handout)
Suggested Judge Questions
Tips for Judging A&S Competitions
Additional resources for doing research and creating documentation can be found under Resource Links on the
Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences page.
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Kingdom of Northshield. Original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.