Countess Guenievre du Dragon Vert Countess Guenievre du Dragon Vert
Liaison Poisson, Award of - Blazon:

Liaison Poisson, Award of (Total Presented: 25)

Offered to those gentles who have done exceptional work in creating or revitalizing a Baronial guild, or providing exceptional service to a guild.
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Aelina Aelinesdottir Barony of Jararvellir
Aiobheil Athe Sithe Barony of Jararvellir
Alienor Hathaway of Grayfeathere Barony of Jararvellir
Amy Dee Barony of Jararvellir
Calvin Fletcher Barony of Jararvellir
Chiara la Tombetiera Barony of Jararvellir
Eithni ingen Talorgain Barony of Jararvellir
Eithni ingen Talorgain Barony of Jararvellir
Finola Flaherty Flanagan Barony of Jararvellir
Fiona the Younger Barony of Jararvellir
Gertrude von dem Falkenberger Barony of Jararvellir
Giles Devon Barony of Jararvellir
Gisele de Percheron Barony of Jararvellir
Iohanna Carracci Barony of Jararvellir
James the Delicate Barony of Jararvellir
Jois Corbet Barony of Jararvellir
Marian Elizabeth Wollenschläger Barony of Jararvellir
Matthias of Rolling Oaks Barony of Jararvellir
Moira nicConnell the Strongbow Barony of Jararvellir
Revna Jorgenson Barony of Jararvellir
Robert the Stout of Jararvellir Barony of Jararvellir
Sarah Loring Barony of Jararvellir
Sol Barony of Jararvellir
Tatiana McGowan Barony of Jararvellir
Trystan der Fackeltrager Barony of Jararvellir

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