Youth playing ring around the tree Youth playing ring around the tree
Court Date: 12/5/2020 (Court #1)
Event Name: Ethereal Court - This Little Piggy Stayed Home
Presenting Royalty: Ciaran and Elis II
Reporter: Marcial de Salas
Herald: Marcial de Salas
Silent Herald: Christiana Silverton
Additional Shenanigans Herald: Katerinka Lvovicha
Day Signet: Judith of Northwode
Seneschal of Record: Gaia Aurelia

This court held digitally due to plague

Court was preceded by a law court, held by Duchess Petranella. Their Majesties reiterated the Society's ruling to extend the suspension of activities due to the plague, for the good of the realm and the Society.

Their Majesties welcomed Lady Judith of Northwode as the Kingdom's new Signet and thanked Marcial for his service. Video proof was presented unto the kingdom that the Kingdom of Ansteorra was claimed in the name of our Queen of Doom, Banrion Elis. Her Majesty offered letters of Marque and questioned why the Midrealm has yet to be claimed in her name.

Their Majesties shared a video compilation of the activities that our Kingdom's many denizens have been engaging in, during these times of separation and plague. The video was accompanied by a song written and performed by Arwa al-Jinniyya. All videos were edited by Rúna Úlfríðardóttir. Their Majesties also shared information about upcoming virtual events.

Awards Presented

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