HE Dugall Ailean mac-'ic Lathurna HE Dugall Ailean mac-'ic Lathurna
Court Date: 1/14/2023 (Court #1)
Event Name: Twelfth Night
Presenting Royalty: Guenievre and Tom III
Reporter: Katerinka Lvovicha
Herald: Katerinka Lvovicha
Additional herald: Derbáil ingen Néill
Silent herald: Christiana Galyard de Caen
Seneschal: Christiana Galyard de Caen
Toy Run Supervisor: Abelard die Elster - the run stayed within the main court area.

We acknowledged that we met on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (oh-chey-tee shah-koh-ween) and Wahpekute (wah-PEH-koo-tay) nations.

Newcomers cups were given to a large amount of people for who this was their first court.

Awards Presented

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