Herald of Record: Katerinka Lvovicha
Court Heralds: Katerinka Lvovicha, Síthmaith Eccnaidh, Abelard die Elster
Tournament Heralds: Derbáil ingen Néill - Blawhorn Herald, Decimus Marius Tacticus Ajax
Signet: Sofonisba Vespasiana Gabrielli
Senechal: Sorcha Bhuidhe, Síthmaith Eccnaidh
Toy Run Supervisor: Abelard die Elster
We acknowledged that we gathered on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ and Yankton Sioux nations.
Winner of the Crown Tournament was Hans Volsch fighting for Genevieve MacArtne
Dauid the Restful gave a local group highlight
Katja Borsukska was named Equestrian Champion
Joseph Leveson did the Toy Run