House von Kulmbach goes to War House von Kulmbach goes to War
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Adaliunda Marikova doch Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Vigil for Laurel Aesa Olafskona Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Vigil for Pelican Alinore Wyndover Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Laurel Alissende de Montfaucon Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Pelican Anpliça Fiore Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Cygnus, Award of the Audrey Cross Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Award of Arms Bealthor Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Award of Arms Brennwulf Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Award of Arms Cadoc Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Court Baron/Baroness Caitriona inghean Criomthainn Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Award of Arms Eadgyth Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Brigits Flame, Order of Furia Maxima Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Court Baron/Baroness Gabriel Michalik Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Pelican Geoffrey de la Brugge Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Vigil for Chivalry Gwenhwyvar verch Owen ap Morgan Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Hjorleif Ottarrson Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Griffin of Northshield, Order of the Janvier der Wasserman Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Defense Jean Robert LeMarchand de Sel Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Award of Arms Jorven Greshnar Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Vigil for Defense Joseph Leveson Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Just von Stichem Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Ordo Circini Vitruvii [Order of Vitruvius' Caliper] Justinian of Cherson Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Brigits Flame, Order of Kale Phokaina Kourkouaina Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Kit Marik syn Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Award of Arms Lexi of Haus von Kulmbach Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
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