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Bardic Madness XXVI

Hosted by: Shire of Rokeclif

Start Date: 4/16/2016 Thru End Date: 4/16/2016 50
LaCrosse Masonic Lodge
118 South 8th Street
LaCrosse WI 54601

Planned Activities: Bardic Activities

The Shire of Rokeclif is delighted to host the twenty-fifth incarnation of Bardic Madness Northshield’s  premiere event for the performing arts.


Bardic Madness XXVI,  April 16, 2016

 Site open/close Time:  9AM – 9PM

Name of the Site:  
La Crosse Masonic Lodge
                             118 South 8th Street, La Crosse WI 54601



Fees: site/feast/merchant; in advance & on site:

          Adult Member Registration - $10  ($5 for age 12 and below)

           Feast:  Sinners' Feast $15 at gate, $12 preregistered

           Saints' Feast $5

            $5 Adult Registration


           Checks payable to: SCA WI, Inc, Shire of Rokeclif. 

           Mail Pre-registration to:

                          Jerry Springer

                           227 Liberty Street Apt. #1

                           La Crosse WI 54603

           Preregistration deadline April 1, 2016



Event Steward:


            Kirsta Skaff

           702 Losey Blvd. South

           La Crosse, WI 54601


Feast Steward:

           Vitaliano Vincenzi

           Shane Lambert

           800 West Ave. North #103

           West Salem WI 54669




Site is ADA Accessible and Dry

Children's activities:  Children may participate along with adults. (No segregated activities)

Populace Space / Presence:  Yes, but not in performance area. 
Merchant Space:  no

Morning snacks may be provided if there is sufficient preregistration.   There are many restaurants within walking distance, or providing delivery for lunch. Off-board seating is available for feast, and food may be brought in. 

Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the Hampton Inn and Suites in La Crosse (not Onalaska) and at Settle Inn in La Crosse. Details at http://www.eithni.com/bardicmadness/
Bardic pre- and post-revels 
will be held in the Hampton Inn.

Feast Menu- http://www.rokeclif.org for up-to-date details

Site Restrictions: Site is dry. 


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