Duke Tarrach Alfson Duke Tarrach Alfson

Shake, Rattle and Roll: Still surviving 900 years after the Verona earthquake

Hosted by: Barony of Castel Rouge

Start Date: 1/21/2017 Thru End Date: 1/21/2017 51
Valour Community Centre - Clifton Site
1315 Strathcona St
Winnipeg MB R3E 2Y4

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Competition , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat , Youth Activities , Cut and Thrust Combat
Site fee:  $15 CDN (Adult Registration) $10CDN (Adult Members) $5 (Children 6-12) Feast: $15CDN (Adult), $10 CDN Children 6-12, Free Childeren 0-6

To register please contact Oswald Logan at lord_oswald@hotmail.com
Please include 

Mundane Name(s):

SCA Name(s):

Spots needed at Feast:

Adult, Children 6-12, Children 0-6

Food Allergies:

Willing to Volunteer for:

Join us as celebrate that we are still alive 900 years after the Earthquake of Verona.

Archery Friday 7 pm- 10 pm
Site opens Saturday 10 am
Site closes Saturday 10 pm
 Historic Context - Source Wikipedia
"A powerful earthquake, rated at VII (Very strong) on the Mercalli intensity scale, struck northern Italy and Germany on 3 January 1117. The epicentre of the first shock was near Verona, the city which suffered the most damage. The outer wall of the amphitheatre was partially felled, and the standing portion was damaged in a later earthquake of 1183. Many other churches, monasteries, and ancient monuments were destroyed or seriously damaged, eliminating much of Verona's early medieval architecture and providing space for a massive Romanesque rebuilding. After the first shock of 3 January, seismic activity persisted for months, striking on 12 January, 4 June, 1 July, 1 October, and 30 December."
Feast: Italian/German Themed

Arts & Sciences

Make a building to survive the earthquake. – Help rebuild thetown by making model buildings using materials and see how well it lastsagainst destruction. Buildings will be judged on stability, creativity andcomplexity.

Make ahead contest: Make an A+S item that is representative of Northern Italy/Southern Germany to celebrate your survival.  Judging will be done by bean count from the populace.

Martial Activities

Armoured in the amphitheater
Fight amongst the crumbling amphitheater for your last bit of glory as the earthquake pops around you

Rapier in the Ruins
Run for your lives through the ruined city and battle for the last vestiges of honor before time runs out

Shoot for Your Supper  Friday 7pm-10pm
The markets are destroyed, shoot the animals for survival but be careful not to kill other survivors

January 20, 2016

Heights Archery Range 

2281 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB

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