Aaron Martin and Joan Martin of Cheshire Aaron Martin and Joan Martin of Cheshire

Provost Challenge

Hosted by: Shire of Coldedernhale

Start Date: 4/22/2006 Thru End Date: 4/22/2006 40
Pierre City Auditorium
222 E Dakota Ave
Pierre SD 57501

Planned Activities: Rapier Combat

Welcome to the Shire of Coldedernhale's First Annual Provost Challenge!

All fencers in the Arte of Defense from any school or household are invited to a Provost challenge in the Shire of Coldedernhale on April 22nd. In this day of challenges, a "Provost" will be chosen from all fencers whom displays exceptional prowess, honor, and comportment on the rapier field. While the school exists only a day, the fame of winning this prize will no doubt be legendary.

Site Fee: $5.00 Site is handicap accessable Site is Dry Populace space on site! Bring your banners and chairs to cheer on your Lords and Ladies! Variety of restaurants available near site

Rules of the Challenge:

All fencers are considered "scholars" for the day.

You will receive points for defeating an opponent in a matched style for rapier.

A fencer can challenge the same individual once per style (single, case,dagger, rigid, non-rigid).

Rough Schedule Draft 9-Noon- authorizations 10AM -12:00 Classes held over period fencing styles 1:00-3:00 Provost Challenge 3:00-5:00 Teaching and pick ups 5:00-6:00 Melee if interest

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