Baba Yaga visits Castel Rouge Baba Yaga visits Castel Rouge

Pennsic War 35

Hosted by:

Start Date: 8/4/2006 Thru End Date: 8/20/2006 41
Cooper's Lake Campground
205 Currie Road
Slippery Rock PA 16057

The Pennsic Wars are an annual event between the kingdoms of the East and the Middle, regional groups of the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc., and are hosted by the Kingdom of Æthelmearc at Coopers' Lake Campground.

Pennsic 34 ran from August 5-21, 2005. The pages are still up, with details of the war results!

Pennsic 35 will take place from August 4-20, 2006. Pre-registration begins in January. The Mayor (autocrat) for Pennsic 35 will be Baroness Brise Sanguin.

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