Youth playing ring around the tree Youth playing ring around the tree

Flake Off: Nordleigh Rebels

Hosted by: Canton of Nordleigh

Start Date: 2/11/2006 Thru End Date: 2/11/2006 40
Northfield Middle School
2200 Division St. S
Northfield MN 55057

Planned Activities: Bardic Activities , Rapier Combat , Youth Activities

The reliquary of St. Anthony is missing! Within the heart of the Canton, rebellious thoughts ferment. Come, fight for the Canton or defend the Barony in this murder mystery and assassination game. Prove your virtues in the trials and games, demonstrate your rapier skill, or put your smarts to the test solving the mystery. Attendance is considered consent to participate in the assassination game. Preregistration is required to be considered for larger roles in the game. There are more developed characters available and there are some assassin roles. You must preregister to be considered for one of these roles. Prereg by February 1st, and please indicate if you want to play a role or be an assassin.

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