Robert the Stout Robert the Stout

Hertzkrieg XXII

Hosted by: College of Svatý Sebesta

Start Date: 2/25/2017 Thru End Date: 2/25/2017 51
The National Guard Armory/ Community Center
603 Princeton St.
Vermillion SD 57069

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Dancing , Rapier Combat
Planned Activities:Armored Combat,Dancing,Rapier Combat
Hertzkrieg is an event where you will need a consort to fight in both the rapier and heavy tournament. If you can't bring your consort you can always find one at the event. Dancing will be after the Heavy Tournament hosted by Mistress Isabella Beatrice della Rosa . 

Event Steward: Hans Volsch (Sheldon Swanson) email: phone:605-906-2017

Site opens at 8am for Royals and Merchants/ 9am for populace. Site closes at 9pm.

Handicap accessibility - yes


Checks payable to: College of Svaty Sebesta
Site fees:
        Kids 12 and under are free
        Kids under 18: $5
        College student with ID: $10 (with SCA membership $5)
        SCA Members with members ID: $10
        Non-members: $15
        Family cap is $40
        No merchant fee
Feast: Feast fee will be $10. Under 12 will eat for $5. Kids 3 and under will eat for free.
        Cook will be Baroness Gaia Aurelia, Phone: (605)941-0646 Text messages accepted for dietary concerns.

Lunch will be provided by Lady Hara Hana. Lunch will be Misou Soup and onoguri. It will be free will donation.

Children's activities: Maybe
Populace space/presence: Yes
Merchant space: Yes but limited, contact site steward
Showers: Yes

 If you have any inquiries about merchanting please reach Amy Nease (Red Caillie) at

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