Syr Gunther Kegslayer Syr Gunther Kegslayer

Roman Festival Sol and Luna

Hosted by: Barony of Castel Rouge

Start Date: 8/31/2018 Thru End Date: 9/3/2018 53
Ukrainian Park Camp
117061 route 222
Camp Morton MB R0c0m0

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Arts & Sciences Competition , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat , Youth Activities

Planned Activities: Archery , Arts & SciencesCompetition , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat , YouthActivities , Cut and Thrust Combat


Site opens: Friday 3pm and closes Monday 11:00am

For Friday supper it will be soup and bread and it is paidby donation.



Adult Registration: $85 (included feast, meals, overnightfee, site fee);  Adult member registration $80; Children 5-12 $50 (included: feast, meals, overnight fee, sitefee); Children 0-4 Free (included: feast, meals, overnight fee, site fee.)   


- Day trip: Adults Registration $10 site fee;  Adult member registration $5; Children 5-12 $5 site fee; children 0-4: free!


*All prices are Canadian dollars


Checks payable to: SCA Inc-Barony of Castel Rouge

Registration- $20 deposit for registration is required by August 24, 2018.  Please indicate any food allergies.  Please specify if you are tenting or want to stay in a cabin. Send money along with copy of member card to :The Barony of Castel Rouge c/o 238 Tache Ave, Winnipeg, MB, Canada,R2H 1Z7


Event Steward: Dawn Bagnall (Cristina de Bagenold) 204-222-5185,Chris Woodruff (Lucky Bob)

Feast Steward: David du Pont

Accessibility: The site currently is not wheelchair accessible

Cabins have electricity and are available on a first come first serve basis. Flush toilets and full shower facilities available.


Come celebrate the Roman Festival Sol and Luna.  Gimli will happen Fri Aug 31 -Mon Sept 3 at the Gimli site (Ukrainian Park and camp grounds).

Something to look forward to:

- Ball

- Raffle

- Classes

- Roman Games

- Chariot Races

- Largess Contest

- Youth activities


Merchants are welcome. The merchant fee is a donation to the raffle.


***The site fee of $10 is new and has been put in place by the Barony to help offset the cost of the various activities supplies (Archery,Kids activities, Heavy, and light combat, A and S) ***

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