Adrien de Troyes planning naval strategy Adrien de Troyes planning naval strategy

Central Region Practice #gulfwarsfabulous

Hosted by: Shire of Rockhaven

Start Date: 1/12/2019 Thru End Date: 1/12/2019 53
Cuyuna Range Elementary School
509 6th Ave. NE.
Crosby MN 56441

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Display
Rattan Fighting for skills and strategies for the Gulf War Points.
Rapier Fighting space is available if a Marshal is in attendance
Space for A&S.  Goal is to prepare for TRM largess, or presence, needs.
Space for Heraldry
Space for Bardic
A Demostration for War Packing and Camping Tricks will be on display.

Since it's a practice and not an event, there are NO Admission fees.

There is a Subway, Dairy Queen and multiple lovely delis and breweries within 2 miles of the school. 

It is a School so there is no smoking or alcohol allowed.
We are also located 10 miles from Brainerd MN.

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