Michael Michael

Live by The Sword - Hunt for the 6 Fingered Man

Hosted by: Shire of Rokeclif

Start Date: 11/23/2019 Thru End Date: 11/23/2019 54
Logan Middle School
1450 Avon St
La Crosse WI 54603

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Rapier Combat , Cut and Thrust Combat

Calling all Rapier Fighters, Please join us in the Shire of Rokeclif for:


Live by the Sword,"Hunt for the Six Fingered Man"


Dry site

Rapier fighting, Cut and Thrust, Pilgrim's Rest A&S Solar

Site opens 8AM and closes 8PM

Site fees:

Adult(18 & above) $15, Adult member $10 , $5 for children 6-17, children under 6 are free

Fundraiser Lunch additional cost to be posted on website

Checks payable to: SCA WI Inc-Shire of Rokeclif


The 6 fingered man was last seen running into the fire swamp! Who will bring him to justice?


Site opens 8am, fighting begins at 9! 

Multiple tournaments throughout the day to demonstrate your skill as the next Dread Pirate Roberts or perhaps you have studied Agrippa? Live by the Sword is a day of fighting and prizes for all skill levels.


Missing this event is inconceivable!


For more details go to the event website: http://rokeclif.org/events/live-by-the-sword/ 



Autocrat   Cathy Simkins/Lady Bridget O'Fallon, cellphone 479-461-2677, no calls after 9pm, texts are welcome. Email c.simkins41@gmail.com 


Lunch coordinator for questions regarding allergies - Jeff Simkins/THL Geoffrey de Bastone, geoffrey.simkins@gmail.com.


Marshall-In-Charge, Patrick Haley /Baron Martin MacKeegan Swordftr@gmail.com


Pilgrim's Rest A&S Solar, Karyn Schmidt/Magistra Kudrun þe Pilegrim, Kudrun.Pilegrim@gmail.com



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