Flower Wreath Flower Wreath

Gulf Wars

Hosted by: Kingdom of Gleann Abhann

Start Date: 3/9/2024 Thru End Date: 3/17/2024 58
Kings Arrow Ranch
26 Kings Hwy
Lumberton MS 39455

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Classes , Dancing , Equestrian , Rapier Combat , Siege Weapons , Youth Activities , Youth Boffer Combat
Northshield at Gulf Wars
If you are planning to go and haven’t already, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeriqpPDbV_HtfWO4trQRF3nMxY3GzYJDu37Tm3tUO3T0rAQw/viewform

Mayor (Northshield Camp) - Ralik Ravenswolf ralikravenwolf@gmail.com
Mayor (Northshield Royal Camp) - Petranella Fitzallen of Weston vlad.petranella@gmail.com
*Note that NS Royal Camp is the camp near the cabins. This is called NS Royal Camp even if the royals don’t stay there (for bookkeeping/consistency purposes)

Full Gulf Wars Schedule (still in progress)https://www.gulfwars.org/activities/main-schedule/

Northshield Musters: The general rules for musters for Rapier and Armored are that musters will occur approximately 30 minutes before a battle/war point at Northshield Royal unless the battle is at the ravine. If the battle is at the ravine, the muster is at the ravine. PLEASE CHECK SCHEDULE BELOW FOR DETAILS FOR EACH MUSTER, as the previous is just a general rule.

Current list of Northshield Musters 


Northshield Court: Thursday, March 14th 5 pm, location probably Sable and Gules theater

Retaining for their Royal Majesties Northshield: If you would like to retain, please contact Jehanette de Provins Chamberlain37.northshield@gmail.comand/or fill out https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2THu0Z-oEdUiqd-wGgzNREBzhvCx35kdjytpReCENI21dxw/viewform

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