Cecil Hagan being put on vigil for the chivalry Cecil Hagan being put on vigil for the chivalry

Hertzkrieg XXVII

Hosted by: College of Svatý Sebesta

Start Date: 3/2/2024 Thru End Date: 3/2/2024 58
National Guard Armory
603 Princeton St
Vermillion SD 57069

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Competition , Dancing , Rapier Combat
Please join us for a War of Hearts! There will be rapier and armored combat tournaments, an A&S competition, a day-long feast!


Site opens 8am for merchants 9am for populace
Site closes at 9pm

Site fees:
Adult (18 & above) $15
Adult member $10
College student with ID $7
College student member with ID $5
Youth 12-18 $5
Youth under 12 are free
Family Cap $40

Feast $10

Checks payable to: SCA Inc-College of Svaty Sebesta

Event Steward: Duchess Elis Godbeare mistressofdoom@gmail.com; 605-659-0227
Feast Steward: Domina Messiena Marcella

Populace space: Yes
Merchant space: Yes, but limited. Please contact the event steward to register
Showers: Yes
Handicap Accessible: Yes

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