Castel Rouge's 55th Anniversary
It's 55 BCE and Julius Caesar is invading Britannia! Well, he's trying to. Did History get it right? Who prevailed, the Romans or the Britons? Come to Gimli and find out.
Site opens at 4 pm, Friday, August 29 and closes at noon on Monday, September 1,
Event fees (all fees are in Canadian dollars):
All Weekend prices include site fee, 3 nights' accommodation (tenting or bunks),
Saturday Breakfast, Saturday Feast, Sunday Breakfast and Sunday Supper.
Adult member weekend pricing (13 and up) $100
Adult non-member weekend pricing (13 and up) $110
Youth member weekend pricing (6-12) $50
Youth non-member weekend pricing (6-12) $60
Youth weekend pricing (0-5) $0
Partial Pricing:
Adult member Site fee (13 and up) $10
Adult non-member site fee (13 and up) $20
Youth member site fee (6-12) $0
Youth non-member site fee (6-12) $10
Á la carte meals:
Breakfast Adult - $5
Breakfast Youth - $3
Feast Adult - $25
Feast Youth - $13
Sunday Dinner Adult - $10
Sunday Dinner Youth - $5
Accommodations: dormitory-style (bunks) accommodation in the cabins. Tenting space
and limited, non-serviced RV space will also be available.
Cheques payable to: Cheques payable to: SCA-INC Barony of Castel
Rouge (must be Canadian Dollars)
Mail cheques to:
Barony of Castel Rouge
PO Box 68008 Osborne Village
Winnipeg MB
R3L 2V9.
o Feast deadline: 15 August, 2025. A deposit of $25 CAD is required to
guarantee your feast spot.
o Please indicate if you have any food allergies/intolerances if you are
participating in meals. Gluten free options will be made available if the
kitchen is notified 2 weeks before the event, at the latest.
o Accommodations deadline:
Event Steward contact info (including modern and SCA names, phone
number and/or email)
Dame Clara ingen Uilleam –
THL Aemilia Tacita –
Feast Stewards: Master David duPont and Lord Niáll Einarsson –
Hall, washrooms and cabins are accessible.