The joy is in playing the game The joy is in playing the game

Novices, Neophytes and Knaves 10 - The Binary Edition

Hosted by: Shire of Turm an dem See

Start Date: 10/1/2011 Thru End Date: 10/1/2011 46
First Presbyterian Church of Sheboygan
1429 North 5th Street
Sheboygan WI 53081

Planned Activities: Classes

Novices, Neophytes and Knaves 10 - The Binary Edition
10-01-11 from 9am to 7pm-ish

Arts, Sciences, Cooking, Sewing, Illumination, Calligraphy, Government, Embroidery, Music, History, Fighting & More.

All classes will assume the student has no prior knowledge or skill in the specific subject; some classes will presume preliminary abilities. There will be educational opportunities for all. Come, share and learn.

Event Steward & Class Coordinator: THL Druscilla Galbraith (920) 451-9568

Co-event Steward: Lady Aoife Óran Bran

Head Cooks: Lady Julianna deLeon & Lady Nikea deLeon

Site fees (tentative):
Adult member: $ 3.00
Children: $ 2.00
Adult non-member: $ 6.00 (includes NMS)
Feast (to seat 60): $ 8.00-ish (tentative price)

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