Northshield under the leadership of HRM Hagan take the flag in the rapier ravine battle at Gulf Wars Northshield under the leadership of HRM Hagan take the flag in the rapier ravine battle at Gulf Wars

Rockhaven Archery – Reloaded!

Hosted by: Shire of Rockhaven

Start Date: 6/9/2012 Thru End Date: 6/9/2012 47
Kiffmeyer Park
23380 County Road 7
St. Augusta MN 56301

Planned Activities: Archery

Rockhaven Archery – Reloaded!

The Shire of Rockhaven would like to invite you to our Spring Archery Tournament. The day will be filled with variety of Distance, Team, and Novelty Shoots for all ages and if you happen to see any Angry Birds… hmm. A Champion will be awarded at the end of the day along with prizes for the top shooters. Lunch will be provided for all at no cost and don’t forget to join us for our wonderful Feast. We will also have an Artisan’s Tent set up for those of you that would like a place to work on your crafts, want to socialize or just need a break.

Kiffmeyer park is located 3 miles south of I-94.

Site will open at 9:30 am and close at 7pm.

Site Fees: Ages 5 and under Free, 6-17 $8 and adults $10, $5 NMS

Feast: $5 pre-reg feast fee. Feast pre-registration due June 5th.

Event Steward: Cedric Cenfrith Sunu (Myles Durga,

Pre-Reg: Sigeric (Tim Fuerstenberg,

Pre-Registration can be sent to:
Tim Fuerstenberg
114-27th Ave. No.
St. Cloud, MN 56303

Checks Payable to: SCA Inc, Shire of Rockhaven

Event URL and directions, along with feast menu will be forthcoming. Site is handicap accessible, and children’s play area is also on site.

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