The wee dancers of TMT V The wee dancers of TMT V

Gulf Wars XXII

Hosted by: Kingdom of Gleann Abhann

Start Date: 3/10/2013 Thru End Date: 3/17/2013 47
King's Arrow Ranch
26 Kings Highway
Lumberton MS 39455

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Arts & Sciences Competition , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing , Equestrian , Rapier Combat , Siege Weapons , Thrown Weapons , Youth Activities , Youth Boffer Combat
Northshield Contacts
Northshield Land-o-Crats:
Lady Leona Talbot (Sara Then) and Lady Cealfind ni Mullen (Aryn-Marietta Eaton) - email them at
General of the Rapier Army: Lord Robert Talbot (Justin Flatt) - email him at
  XO: Don Tomas OrdoƱes Sandino de Triana
General of the Armored Army: Baron Armond le Charpentier (George Gundlach) - email him at
  XO: Master Edwin Atte Bridge

Pre-Registration and Camping With Northshield

Online Pre-Registration is open until February 24th.

If you wish to camp in the Northshield populace space, you must pre-register for the event and list the 'Group Camping With' as "Northshield". Once you are pre-registered, contact the Land-o-Crats by February 25th with the following information:
  • Names (both SCA and modern)
  • Tent/pavilion footprint and shape INCLUDING ropes pulling away from the tent
    Kitchen or armor tent information may be noted, but please note that we can only ensure your primary sleeping tent or pavilion. By all means bring your shadeflies and armor tents but do realize there is the chance we may not have the space once living spaces tents/pavilions are up.
  • Number of people staying in the tent
  • Day/time of arrival
    The arrival time can be a rough estimate but it helps to make sure someone is available to help you find your space.
  • Subgroup within Northshield you wish to camp with (IE: households, fighting groups, local friends) and if that group has one person organizing your subcamp.
  • Please verify that you are preregistered for war
    Only preregistrations count towards our land allotment so this step is very important besides saving you a few dollars at the door!

CAMP FEE: We have a camp fee of $3 per person (not tent) to cover the cost of things like the land markers, pathway lights, or fire ant poison...because the last thing anyone wants is 10000 angry, biting roommates moving into their tent! Surplus funds will go towards firewood if we have space for a communal fire ring or be saved for next year. This can be paid to either of the Northshield landocrats (while in camp so it can be checked off).

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