Lachlan Macdougal Lachlan Macdougal

Squirrel Regional Part II- Armoured and Light

Hosted by: Canton of Nordleigh

Start Date: 4/6/2013 Thru End Date: 4/6/2013 47
Parkview Elementary School
6795 Gerdine Path
Rosemount MN 55068

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Rapier Combat

Greetings, Good Gentles All!

The Canton of Nordleigh, home of the Squirrels, announces its second regional armoured/rapier practice of the year, WooHoo!

Squirrel time: Saturday, April 6th from 10:30 am until 3:30pm  (Yes, Auntie Simonis heard you, kiddies, we now have more time to play in the sandbox!)

Squirrel place: Once again, Parkview Elementary School at 6795 Gerdine Path, Rosemount, MN 55068

This time we have the entire gym, YAY! Note: you may bring in food and drink if you like, but it can only be consumed in the lobby area, not the gym. Also, please keep it reasonable as we are responsible for cleanup afterwards. You may also bring in chairs.

So come on out again and do some hacking and bashing and poking and visiting. :-)

Any questions, please contact me at 952-465-4810

Simonis Adriane

Seneschal to the Canton of Nordleigh

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