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Brigid's Fyre II; the Barroom Brawl

Hosted by: Shire of Orlova Dolina (inactive)

Start Date: 3/29/2014 Thru End Date: 3/29/2014 48
Solway Town Hall
200 Centerline Rd N
Solway MN 56678

Planned Activities: Armored Combat
The morning will be fighter practice, currently planned for heavy combat; lunch will be soup and sideboard served on site; the afternoon will be the Brawl.

Non-fighters are invited to attend, there will be room for populace to engage in arts and sciences of their preference, and are invited to share their knowledge and skills with all.
Non-combatants are encouraged to watch and cheer on the Brawlers after lunch.

The Brawl: one-handed short-weapon engagement;
Full armor and gauntlets, weapons restricted to no longer than 26 inches total length, hilt to tip.
(length meant to replicate turkey leg, wine bottle, chair leg, etc.)
One hand remains on "the Bar" throughout the Brawl.

Site is located on the northwest corner of 2nd St NW and Centerline Rd N, in Solway, MN.
If crash space is needed or you have any questions please contact Event Steward.

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