HE Lucretia Cathrine Cullip Shanks MacFarlane Ingeld HE Lucretia Cathrine Cullip Shanks MacFarlane Ingeld

Pas d'armes pour le faste et l'apparat du printemps

Hosted by: Canton of Blachemere (inactive)

Start Date: 6/5/2014 Thru End Date: 6/8/2014 49
Bellringer Estates
19848 East Bethel Blvd NE
East Bethel MN 55011

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities , Rapier Combat , Cut and Thrust Combat

Dates:  June 5 - 8, 2014

Location: Sir Tom Tinntinnabulum's residence

Site:   Open on Thurs. June 5th at 10:00am, closes on Sunday  June 8th at12:00 noon

Site Fees:

Adults $12 (+ applicable NMS)

Students w/ ID $7 (+ applicable NMS)

Minor $5  (+applicable NMS) 

Family Cap $30 (+ applicable NMS).

Non-Member Surcharge $5

Site is handicapp-accessible. However the ground is very sandy.


Baron Frederick de Fulbert  

Modern Name: Warren Barrows

Email: Barrows.Pronto@gmail .com

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