Three knights of the Kingdom, Duncan, Siegfried, and Raito, begging the boon for Roisin's elevation to the chivalry Three knights of the Kingdom, Duncan, Siegfried, and Raito, begging the boon for Roisin's elevation to the chivalry
Dragon's Teeth - Blazon:

Dragon's Teeth (Total Presented: 10)

  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Barony of Castel Rouge Kingdom of Middle
James de Beaumont Kingdom of Middle
Johann Jacobson Kingdom of Middle
Knutr Olafsson Osiðar Kingdom of Middle
Nikolaas de Baas Kingdom of Middle
Northshield Army Kingdom of Middle
Northshield Army Kingdom of Middle
Rhys ap Owein ap Gwyn Kingdom of Middle
Speranza de Rauvenna Kingdom of Middle
Svala Leifsdóttir Kingdom of Middle

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