Justinian of Cherson Justinian of Cherson
Award of Arms - Blazon:

Award of Arms (Total Presented: 17)

  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Æsa Sturludottir Kingdom of East
Akos Kingdom of East
Albrecht Waldfurster Kingdom of East
Alexina Laskaris Kingdom of East
Alys von Schaak Kingdom of East
Cristiana ingen Mec-Bead Kingdom of East
Cynan ap Rhys Kingdom of East
Cynder of Oakenwode Kingdom of East
Katerinka Lvovicha Kingdom of East
Konrad der Lowe von Ulm Kingdom of East
Lars Wolfsblut Kingdom of East
Mary of Carrigart Kingdom of East
Mihrimah Mahidevran Kingdom of East
Myrddin Llygoden Kingdom of East
Rose Marian of Edgewater Kingdom of East
Temur Numuchi Kingdom of East
Wulfric Ferreter Kingdom of East

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