Syr Tristan von Eisig Syr Tristan von Eisig
Crwth - Blazon:

Crwth (Total Presented: 64)

Proficiency in Music
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Ailill MacBaird de Kermikal Principality of Northshield
Aleksandr Vasilevych Lev Principality of Northshield
Alienor Hathaway of Grayfeathere Principality of Northshield
Ambrosius Pallus Pestus Amodeus Principality of Northshield
Ameline de Fleury Principality of Northshield
Arianna the Harper Principality of Northshield
Armonn Bonaventa Principality of Northshield
Bastien De La Mesa Principality of Northshield
Berwyn Æthelbryght of Ackley Principality of Northshield
Branwen ferch Arian Principality of Northshield
Brendan o Corraidhe Principality of Northshield
Bretton Daarkhorse Principality of Northshield
Brigid Connor Principality of Northshield
Brilliana Barrington Principality of Northshield
Calvin Fletcher Principality of Northshield
Cealfind ni Mullen Principality of Northshield
Cerian Cantwr Principality of Northshield
Charissa Principality of Northshield
Charissa Principality of Northshield
Chen of Castel Rouge Principality of Northshield
Christian d'Hiver Principality of Northshield
Colin Blackthorn Principality of Northshield
Cronnan McCerbal Principality of Northshield
Cu`gan-mhatthair MacMuircheartaigh Principality of Northshield
Cybele of Rowengrove Principality of Northshield
Cybele of Rowengrove Principality of Northshield
Dahrien Cordell Principality of Northshield
Deirdre Wydeville Principality of Northshield
Diana Tesedale Principality of Northshield
Dzinovia Dubrovna of Novgorod Principality of Northshield
Elaine de Beauchamp Principality of Northshield
Elena Tangwystl ap Morgan Principality of Northshield
Eliane Halevy Principality of Northshield
Etienne de Clermont Principality of Northshield
Foldesur Karoli Zoltan Principality of Northshield
Gabriela dei Clementini d'Orvieto Principality of Northshield
Gisele de Percheron Principality of Northshield
Heinrich of Rivenwood Tower Principality of Northshield
Ingrid Starcrafter Principality of Northshield
Ingus Moen Principality of Northshield
Iuliana Faye Barclay Principality of Northshield
John Chandler Principality of Northshield
Katherine de Amiens Principality of Northshield
Kudrun Pilegrim Principality of Northshield
Lazarus Gauge Principality of Northshield
Luanmaise nic Ailithir Principality of Northshield
Mad Sentinel of Glastonbury Tor Principality of Northshield
Margaret Malise de Kyrkyntolaghe Principality of Northshield
Mateo Montero de Madrid Principality of Northshield
Mateo Montero de Madrid Principality of Northshield
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