Troops at Gulf Wars Troops at Gulf Wars
Nordbandr - Blazon:

Nordbandr (Total Presented: 35)

Heroic specific deeds of valor, courtesy and prowess.
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Alasdair mac Fearghuis Principality of Northshield
Alasdair mac Fearghuis Principality of Northshield
Angus Gordon Principality of Northshield
Arslan Sanjarzade Yildirim-Kilij Principality of Northshield
Barak son of Gunnar Principality of Northshield
Batista de Kie del Goya da Logas Principality of Northshield
Cadwallon y' Rhudd Principality of Northshield
Castiel the Blackhand Principality of Northshield
Castille Blackhand Principality of Northshield
Corydon Rathbone Principality of Northshield
Darius Architectus Principality of Northshield
Delphina d'Orléans "Bearcat" Principality of Northshield
Dorian Methodius Principality of Northshield
Duncan MacThearlach Principality of Northshield
Eua of Newcastle Principality of Northshield
Halfdan Lac Beard Principality of Northshield
Ian MacTawisch Principality of Northshield
Isaac de Hugo Principality of Northshield
Jean du MalChance Principality of Northshield
Lynn Lee ManLughaidh Principality of Northshield
Margaret Eisenschild Principality of Northshield
Michael St. Christian Principality of Northshield
Michael St. Christian Principality of Northshield
Olaf Blodhox Principality of Northshield
Seraphina de la Warre Principality of Northshield
Sigrid de la Mare Principality of Northshield
Tarien Dane Principality of Northshield
Tarrach Alfson Principality of Northshield
Tristan von Eisig Principality of Northshield
Tristan von Eisig Principality of Northshield
Trystan der Fackeltrager Principality of Northshield
Valgard Principality of Northshield
Vladimir Radescu Principality of Northshield
Wulfgang von den Lowen Principality of Northshield
Yngvar inn Heppni Principality of Northshield

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