Karl von Frettchenburg Karl von Frettchenburg
Court Date: 8/12/2017 (Court #1)
Event Name: Poorman's Pennsic
Presenting Royalty: Konrad and Aibhilin
Herein is the court report from Poor Man's Pennsic held 12 August, AS 52 (2017) in the Shire of Falcon's Keep

The Court of Northshield was opened by the order of Their Royal Majesties Konrad and Aibhilin and the hand of Her Royal HighnessCassandra, Princess of Northshield.

Members of the populace who had completed crossover combat authorizations that day were recognized.

Members of the populace for whom this was their first event or first royal court were welcomed and recognized.

Scribes of the day were recognized as the awards were presented:
Xanthippe Botaneiatissa and Marciel de Salas

There being no further business, the Court of Northshield was closed.

Herald of Record; Iohannes Glenfidanus
Signet of Record; AEsa in Bjardoelska

Awards Presented

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