Syr Angus Ulrich Syr Angus Ulrich
Court Date: 2/4/2023 (Court #1)
Event Name: The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic
Presenting Royalty: Guenievre and Tom III
Reporter: Scyid Del Aquilla
Herald: Scyid Del Aquilla
Seneshall of Record:  Sandrine Kleinschmidt (Alex Sander)

Land Acknowledgement

Očhéthi Šakówiŋ,
Bdewakantuwan (Mdewakanton),
Sisseton, and

Ring du Jour was presented to:
Baroness Moira nicConnell the Strongbow, presented with an Onyx ring at return of the Northshield Signet ring

Other Court Business:
Event stewards Baron Ulrich Aeowulf MacNaughtine [Autocrat], Baron Scyid Del Aquilla [Autocrat], Lady Gezenda da la Rocha [Site Steward] and Baron Sandrine Kleinschmidt [Feastocrat] were thanked and presented with gifts from her Majesty and their Excellencies of Castel Rouge.

Adora-Bill (Bill Reynolds, SCA name pending) was presented with her Majesties bow as a token for his inspirational shooting during the tournaments, taking second place in the Tic-Tak-Toe shoot. Bill is a new member to Korsvag, this being his second event and first time back on the range in approximately 9 years.

Two children were able to choose toys in lieu of a toy run.

We had three newcomers presented with their newcomer mugs.

Awards Presented

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