Sadb ingen Suibne and Robert mac Cormaic Sadb ingen Suibne and Robert mac Cormaic
Court Date: 1/19/2013 (Court #1)
Event Name: Pirates Ravage the Plains: A Period Pirate Event
Presenting Royalty: Yngvar and Luce
Presenting Royalty: HRH Lusche
The court was heralded by Armonn Bonaventa.
A report from the court of The Pirate Princess Lusche by right of
inspiration, Keeper of the Royal Booty of Northshield, held 19 January
AS47 in the Barony of Castel Rouge. Attending in state with Her Highness
were the Territorial Baron and Baroness of Castel Rouge; Black Rose,
Scourge of the Praries and Bloody Dog Erec, Notorious ne'er do well
(AKA Isobel atte Wode, and James Erec of York).

There was a Court of the Barony of Castel Rouge, heralded by Armonn
Bonaventa. There were a number of Baronial Officer changes:
-THL Asdis Karasdottir stepping down as Seneschal, THL Claire Agatha
MacLeod replacing.
-Master Aleksandr Vasilyevich Lev stepping down as Exchequer, THL
Amaryllis of Castel Rouge replacing.
-Lord Oswald Logan stepping down as Castellan, lord Duras replacing.
-Master Aleksandr Vasilyevich Lev stepping down as Chirurgeon, Lady
Katarzyna del Castello Rosso replacing.
-Sayyida Nadrah al-Zahara stepping down as Minister of Arts and
Sciences, Lady Adalia of Castel Rouge replacing.
-Baron Robin Arthur Kyrke stepping down as Rapier Marshal, THL Claire
Agatha MacLeod replacing.
-THL Berach mac Arailt Oicc stepping down as Signet, THL Cristina de
Bagenold replacing.

One award previously read in court, was delivered to its recipient:
Cristina de Bagenold - Brigits Flame (originally read in court 1
September AS46 at "When in Rome, do as the Visigoths did!" in a regency
court of TSH Yngvar and Luce on behalf of Their Majesties Wulfgar and

Awards Presented

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