And Vlad keeps going...and going...and going... (Vladimir Radescu) And Vlad keeps going...and going...and going... (Vladimir Radescu)
Court Date: 6/22/2013 (Court #1)
Event Name: Moorish Tavern
Presenting Royalty: Morgan II and Lusche II
Here is the court report for Her Royal Majesty Lusche II and His Serene Highness Hrodir at Moorish Tavern held in the Shire of Midewinde on the 22nd Day of June AS 48. 

The Shire of Midewinde was called forward and presented with a Silk Banner of the Group's Device made by Baroness Eva of Greenfield.

Hrodir Vigageirr Toreson - Order of the Bridget's Flame (Read into court at Quest May 18th, 2013)
Scribal Highlight Bearaich machArailt

Awards Presented

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