Real men can wear anything they want (Duke Raito and THL Randall of Caer Anterth Mawr) Real men can wear anything they want (Duke Raito and THL Randall of Caer Anterth Mawr)
Court Date: 12/6/2014 (Court #1)
Event Name: Feast of Boar’s Head(37) Sword and Mistletoe Tourney
Presenting Royalty: Vladimir II and Petranella II
A report from the Court of their Dread Stellar Majesties, Vladimir and Petranella, King and Queen of Northshield, 6 December 49, the Feast of St. Patapius and of the Boar's Head, in the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr.

Their Majesties were joined by Their Serene and Stellar Highnesses, Tom and Sigrid, Prince and Princess, Heirs to the Gryphon Thrones; by Her Excellency Kateryn, Lady of Caer Anterth Mawr; by Their Excellencies Edward and Deja, Lord and Lady of Nordskogen; and by Their Excellencies Grimmund and Mearha, Lord and Lady of Windhaven.

The court was heralded by Yehudah nagid ben Yitzhak, assisted by Lady Jane Waye and Duke Siegfried von Kulmbach, with THL Katerinka Lvovicha of the Two Kingdoms standing as signet.

Awards Presented

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