Petranella Fitzallen of Weston and Vladimir Radescu Petranella Fitzallen of Weston and Vladimir Radescu
Court Date: 1/31/2015 (Court #1)
Event Name: Sadeh - A Middle Eastern Coffee House Experience
Presenting Royalty: Vladimir II and Petranella II
The following law changes were also read into court:

Law changes


 VIII-300 The term “Baron” refers to the male gender. The term “Baroness” refers to the female gender.



IX-200 —Symbols of Rank Grants of Arms — A Grant of Arms bestowed upon a Great Officer will allow the recipient to maintain a griffin passant Or as a crest. Only current and former Great Officers of Northshield who have received a Grant of Arms may use a griffin passant Or as a crest.



III-900 All prospective combatants and their consorts must meet the minimum criteria in the Governing Documents, as well as the following requirements:

6. One member of the couple must also affirm that they can and will maintain the ability to legally cross the U.S./Canadian international border for the duration of Their reign, should they be victorious to ensure that they are free to travel to all parts of the Kingdom

Awards Presented

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