Master Aleksandr Vasilevych Lev of Volynia Master Aleksandr Vasilevych Lev of Volynia
Court Date: 5/30/2015 (Court #1)
Event Name: Mermaid's Retreat
Presenting Royalty: Tom II and Sigrid II

Their Royal Majesties, Tom and Sigrid, held court at Mermaids Retreat on a raining morning the 30th day of May Anno Societatis 50 inside the well attended lodge.

Upon opening court, Master Ambrose von Pasau was called into the court and begged a boon.

A right and proper request was made to enter Don Tomas Ordones Sandino de Triana into the Order of Defense.

Don Tomas was called into court and instructed to sit vigil that day and would be offered elevation at a date to be determined. There was much applause and excitement.

Court was heralded by Alasdair Montgomery and witnessed by Francesca di Angelo.

Awards Presented

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