Adrien de Troyes planning naval strategy Adrien de Troyes planning naval strategy
Court Date: 1/23/2016 (Court #1)
Event Name: 12th Night is Coming: Bring your Best
Presenting Royalty: Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Reporter: James Erec of York
Herald: James Erec of York

The Regency Court for their Majesties Toyaoka Katsuo and Aetheflaed, King and Queen of Northshield, held by Baron David DuPont and Baroness Clare Agatha MacLeod of the Barony of Castel Rouge. At the event of 12th Night-Bring Your Best, 23 January AS 50.

A backlog of Joint Cyphers from the Reign of Tom II and Sigrid II were handed out to the following gentles.

Pedro de Carrion del los Condes Ramirez
David DuPont
Gabriel De Lion
Nadrah al-Zahara
Richard Axe-Hands 

Court was herald by Baron James Erec of York.

Awards Presented

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