Ihashi Hidezo (Pennsic 24) Ihashi Hidezo (Pennsic 24)
Court Date: 2/11/2017 (Court #1)
Event Name: Lupercalia
Presenting Royalty: Hrodir and Yehudah

A report from the court of Northshield, held this eleventh day of February, anno socetatis 51, in the shire of Rivenwood Tower, at Lupercalia.

Herald of record: Voevodsha Katerinka Lvovicha, Blawhorn Herald
Heralds: Anplica Fiore, Bridget ni Cathasaigh, Derbail ingen Neill
Signets: Coquette du Lyons, Muirenn ingen Fhairchellaig

Law change --
X-1175 The Order of the Griffin of Northshield
There shall be in Northshield an Order into which the Crown may enter those who have had at least 25 years of continuous authorization and activity in armored combat. Members of this Order may style themselves “Venerable Griffins.”
Change to
X-1175 The Order of the Griffin of Northshield
There shall be in Northshield an Order into which the Crown may enter those who have had at least 25 years of continuous authorization and activity in combat. Members of this Order may style themselves “Venerable Griffins.”
The reasoning for the change is to widen the scope of the Order to include multiple forms of combat, not just armored.

Thomas of Rivenwood Tower was also serenaded by the Order and the populace, as he turned 18 that day. Their Majesties noted that the populace continues to sing on key.

Respectfully submitted,
Katerinka Lvovicha
Blawhorn Herald
Baroness of the court of Kateuo and Æthelflæd

Awards Presented

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