Syr Wulfgang von den Lowen Syr Wulfgang von den Lowen
Award: Crwth, Order of the
Persona: Majer Déva
Presenting Branch/Group: Kingdom of Northshield
Presented on 3/12/2005 at Fighter School XII ( 10 other awards given at this event.)
Presenting Royalty: Siegfried I and Bridei
Calligraphy & Illumination by Friedrich von Augsburg . Displayed with permission. Please contact the scribe(s) for permission if you wish to copy or use this artwork.
Picture of Award
Award/Scroll Wording:

The first lesson learned is to observe, note well the things that bring joy to life’s game, remember deeds of worth of those who serve or strive, or craft ~ who well deserve word fame.  Next, use what you have learned to guide the song, write what you know, bid others take their part for each persons’s vision is unique, each speaks in words found deep within their heart.  You know the power that lies in the word know now Our will.  Let Our decree be heard.  We, Siegfried and Bridei, King and Queen of Northshield recognize Deirdre inghean an Bhird as a member of Our Order of the Crwth, this 12th day of March, A.S. 39 at Fighter School in Our Barony of Windhaven.

Notes about the Award/Scroll:

Scroll text by Master Owen

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