THL Roisin ingen Aillel hearing her name as the boon is begged to elevate her to the Order of the Chivalry at AS XLII Gulf Wars  THL Roisin ingen Aillel hearing her name as the boon is begged to elevate her to the Order of the Chivalry at AS XLII Gulf Wars
Award: Court Baron/Baroness
Persona: Abbey KegSlayer
Presenting Branch/Group: Kingdom of Northshield
Presented on 4/9/2005 at Second Coronation of Northshield ( 41 other awards given at this event.)
Presenting Royalty: Siegfried I and Bridei

Years of service to the Coronets and Crown of Northshield.

Illumination by Friedrich von Augsburg , Calligraphy by Roxelana Bramante . Displayed with permission. Please contact the scribe(s) for permission if you wish to copy or use this artwork.
Picture of Award
Award/Scroll Wording:

As Sovereigns of the stellar Kingdom of Northshield, it is the priviledge of the crown to recognize service within Our realm.  Therefore, We, Siegfried and Bridei, Rex and Regina Northshield, are pleased to bestow due praise unto Abbey and Gunther Kegslayer for their many years of tireless great service to the Coronets and Crown of Northshield as champion and retinue.  In recognition of these deeds, We are pleased to make Gunther Baron and Abbey Baroness of Our Court, that all may know of the great regard We have for these gentle citizens of Northshield.  May all raise their cups in recognition of their great service to Our realm.  Done by Our hand and seal this 9th day of April, A.S. 39, during Our final court in the Shire of Mindewinde.

Notes about the Award/Scroll:

23kt gold leaf, Azurite and vermillion. The miniature is based on photos of the couple, and the heart inset in the bottom initial has special meaning to Kegslayers and their King.

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