Banners, banners everywhere--A proud new Kingdom at Gulf Wars Banners, banners everywhere--A proud new Kingdom at Gulf Wars
Award: Pelican
Persona: Tom Tinntinnabulum
Presenting Branch/Group: Kingdom of Northshield
Presented on 2/8/2014 at Stellar University of Northshield ( 11 other awards given at this event.)
Presenting Royalty: Hrodir III and Anne II
Calligraphy & Illumination by Katerinka Lvovicha . Displayed with permission. Please contact the scribe(s) for permission if you wish to copy or use this artwork.
Picture of Award
Award/Scroll Wording:

Untoall to whom these present letters shall see or hear do We, Hrodir,King by right of arms, and Anne, Queen by right of inspiration,sovereigns of the most Stellar Kingdom of Northshield, called StormKing and Archer Queen by their beloved populace send greetings andwarmest commendations in these coldest of months. Right requires andreason ordains that men most courteous and true be by their actionsand renown recognized and counted among the number of those otherworthy and venerable nobles, lately called and acknowledged asmembers of the order of the most ancient order of the Pelican. Towit, by their example others again will force themselvesperseveringly to use their days in deeds of arms and virtuous worksto gain the renown of that ancient courtesy in their lineage andposterity. Our well beloved Tom Tinntinnabulum, who, by his soundacts of spirit and selfless dedication and care given to this moststellar kingdom and all her territories, baronies, shires, colleges,and these and other fiefs, and also by his character as aco-conspirator who only uses his powers of true instigation for goodand only most rarely for evil, and as an inspiration to Our kingdomand other lands as a model of chivalry and for his failure to baltereven under highest scrutiny, has truly deserved and is worthy thathenceforward perpetually We, the aforementioned King and Queen andall our successors shall warrant and confirm his inclusion into thismost venerable and noble Order, and affirm his right to ornamenthimself with the symbol of this order, a pelican in her piety.Furthermore, he shall forever more and in all places be numbered,counted, and received among the company of this Order, and shall bearthe rights, honors, titles, and responsibilities and dutiesassociated with and related to his position as a Master of thePelican.

Signedby our hands and sealed by our seal on this 8th day of February, inthe 48th year of this Society, at the Stellar Universityof Northshield, being in our shire of Rockhaven.

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