Duke Tarrach Alfson Duke Tarrach Alfson

Awards presented at Danse Macabre on 10/1/2016

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Bjørn Refskegg Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir and Yehudah
Bellerophon, Award of Ezray Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir and Yehudah
Award of Arms Helgulfr Arngeirsson Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir and Yehudah
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Marcial de Salas Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir and Yehudah
Cygnus, Award of the Ragnarr jafnkollr Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir and Yehudah

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