James Applegate, Katsuo Toyaoka, and Delphina the Bearcat James Applegate, Katsuo Toyaoka, and Delphina the Bearcat
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Cygnus, Award of the Adelicia of York Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Adeliz de la Tour Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Territorial Baron/Baroness Alasdair Calum Montgomery Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Albrecht of Caer Anterth Mawr Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Court Baron/Baroness Alice of Kent Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Alinore Wyndover Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Cygnus, Award of the Antoine le Chaud Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Benedict Finch the Fair-Feathered Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Brithwen of Cressewell Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Charles de Pacy Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Glove, Award of the Damiano Cioli del Castello di Linari Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Black Flame, Award of the Elizabeth Montero Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Eva of Greenfield Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Scroll of Honor Fin Herzog Herolfson Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Compass, Award of the Gabriela of Greenfield Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Vigil for Pelican Greta Rahikkainen Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Pelican Grimmund Blackwing Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Vigil for Pelican Grimmund Blackwing Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Cypher, Sovereign's Ian ap Dafydd Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Cygnus, Award of the Ivan Matfeevich Rezansky Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Territorial Baron/Baroness Kateryn of the Amber Mists (formerly of Cornwall) Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Pyxis, Order of the Katlin Laurana Sewall Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Court Baron/Baroness Kindorn Broadbelt Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Compass, Award of the Kyriel of Caer Anterth Mawr Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Luce Tolle Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
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