Justinian of Cherson Justinian of Cherson

Awards presented at Twelfth Night on 1/13/2007

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Andronikos Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Brendan of Rockhaven Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Brigits Flame, Order of Caoilfhionn inghen Cheallaigh uí Mhórdha Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Castellana de la Cueva Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Black Flame, Award of the Cehero Okensword Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Cygnus, Award of the Debborah von dachs Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Glove, Award of the Faelan MacMillan Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Filib McNaughton Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Cygnus, Award of the Frederick de Fulbert Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Friedrich von Augsburg Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Cygnus, Award of the Godfrey Donnarson the Varangian Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Pelican Greta Rahikkainen Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Golden Lamp, Award of the Lionel of Rockhaven Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Black Flame, Award of the Lucia Sforza di Firenze Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Maghnus Colmain Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Vigil for Laurel Mairghead ingen Sean Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Bellerophon, Award of Nikolai Danrson Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Black Flame, Award of the Rodrigo de Montoya Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Brigits Flame, Order of Saraidh ingen Guairi Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Beare of Northshield Skjaldvor Kormaksdottir called Wyndreth Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Torsten Magnus Von Liechtenstien Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Vætildr Eyvindardóttir Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried II and Gwyneth

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