Armored Combat Armored Combat

Awards presented at Feast of Boar's Head on 12/7/2019

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Territorial Baron/Baroness Abelard die Elster Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Cygnus, Award of the Aeden of Clan Colquhoun Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Award of Arms Akos Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Vigil for Pelican Alexandra der Wasserman Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Pelican Alexandra der Wasserman Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Award of Arms Branne O Conchobair (Brannagh) Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Bridei nic Gillechattan Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Bellerophon, Award of Davin of Jararvellir Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Vigil for Pelican Elizabeth Von Kulmbach Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Award of Arms Hasa Diga Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Hearthstead, Award of the House Ironwood Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Beare of Northshield Jois Corbet Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Award of Arms Kale Phokaina Kourkouaina Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Award of Arms Knut Eld of Ironwood Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Marguerite Coquette de Lyon Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Destrer, Order of the Masina Vitus Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Black Flame, Award of the Nikolaus der Auslander Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Brigits Flame, Order of Rhys ab Ismael Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Court Baron/Baroness Sofonisba Vespasiana Gabrielli Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Brigits Flame, Order of Sol Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Cygnus, Award of the Winifride Barnes Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Territorial Baron/Baroness Ysolt Pais de cuer Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette

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